Web Site Article

Student Loans

The woman Yahoo! uses for an example in their article on student loans is an exceptionally bad example. You almost have to TRY to get $550,000 in debt. However, student loans can put you into a hole that'll take you a while to dig out of.

Barstow Train Depot

Barstow Train Depot
Just a pretty picture to start the day. There's a Route 66 museum right near the depot.

Talk to the Hand

Sarah Palin's Hand

Darn, that HDTV!

If you can't remember the three things you'd like to accomplish if you were in charge, then you have no business thinking you are qualified to be in charge.

Suck it up, Azusa

Fish Canyon Mining

It never ceases to amaze me when people are shocked, SHOCKED to realize that their actions have consequences. So it goes in Azusa, where political and Business Leaders Condemn Duarte Officials Threat of Boycott.

I'm pretty sure this is a joke

Banana in Geostationary Orbit Over Texas


Yes, it's silly. Maybe even a little scary. But it reminds me of Rosemead city hall.

Still good, even if no longer "Made in Rosemead"

Sriracha Rooster Sauce

Thanks to some amazing incompetence by our city leaders and the taxpayer-subsidized Chamber of Commerce, Sriracha is no longer made in Rosemead. But it still tastes great!

Vulcan Comment Period Extended

Today's SGV Tribune reports that the comment period for the Vulcan mining proposal in Azusa has been extended to Feb. 20.

See the story below for additional information and links about this proposal.