Web Site Article

Congratulations, Heriberto "Eddie" Lima!

I was reading the press release for the 2007 graduation commencement at Cal State L.A.  Each year, the press release singles out select graduates for special recognition.  This year, one of the selectees is a Rosemead resident, Heriberto "Eddie" Lima.  I've never had him as a student, but the press release notes that he earned his MS in biology (he would have walked last night), and has been accepted to the doctoral program in immunology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

G.O.T. Graffiti?

The county sheriff's department is sponsoring a "Give Out Tips on Graffiti" event.  It is open only to "adults" (they do not define "adult" in the flyer), and will be held on Tuesday, June 5, 6:30pm - 9:00 pm at the Rosemead Community Center.  That's at 3939 Muscatel Ave., directly south of the library and near the city hall.

Topics on their flyer include:  1) How to Prevent Graffiti; 2) Is Your Child Involved With Graffiti?; 3) The Consequences; 4) The Differences Between Gangs v. Tagging Graffiti.

Planning Commission Meeting, Monday, June 4, 2007 -- 7pm

The new planning commission holds its first working meeting on Monday.

You can download the agenda by going to the city's webpage, www.cityofrosemead.org

Then go to "Calendars and Meetings," then "Planning Commission Meetings," then clickon the Planning Commission meeting for June 4, then click on the Planning Commission Agenda link.

Ah, June in Los Angeles!

Remember the old days, when the start of June meant watching the Los Angeles Lakers, wrapping up their season?  Their season used to end sometime between the French Open and Wimbledon.  Instead, the past few years have ended around Cinco de Mayo, if not before.

So I don't feel a lot of sympathy for Kobe Bryant when I read the paper nowadays and see him complaining about the lack of talent that surrounds him.  Because I also remember that season when he was "supported" by three other future Hall of Famers, and they still couldn't get it done.  When that team imploded, I could only think of two things:  1)  Poor Karl Malone is never going to win a championship; 2) No one with the talent and drive to help the Lakers win another championship is ever going to be willing to play for the team as long as Kobe Bryant is on the roster.

The County District Attorney's Public Integrity Division


A very flattering profile on the county DA's public integrity division.  A little too flattering, when one considers what happened when I forwarded to them a clearly-illegal political flyer about two years ago.

It seems to me they have had a tendency to draw out their investigations and/or to refer (pass off like a hot potato) complaints to the FPPC.  In talking to other activists in the region, my experience was not unique.

Do We Want a Fourth of July Parade?

Rosemead City Council meets in special session tomorrow, May 29, at 6:30pm.  On the agenda is the question of whether or not our city should reinstate the Fourth of July parade.  If you want a parade, come to city hall to tell them.  If you don't, come to city hall to tell them that, too.

Valley& Walnut Grove, Behind McDonald's?

Earth movers have graded the land behind McDondald's.  Bad news for the homeless guy and the cats that used to live there.  Anyone know what's coming in there?

JPL: Where Old Campaign Signs Go to Die!

As noted yesterday, the JPL open house was this weekend (May 19 and 20).  It's often too crowded to actually learn much, but it's still nice to see what the rocket scientists up on the hill are working on.

The first picture attached below is a full-scale model of the Voyager spacecraft.  They flew by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune during the late 1970s and 1980s: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/missions/current/voyager.html