For those who can't wait until the polls close. . .

This post on Calitics that suggests Chu is favored. Of course, I always assumed this to be true and wondered why people thought Cedillo was considered by many to be the front runner.

For what it's worth, all of the voters I saw at my polling place (all three or so!) were Asian. I think the party and labor endorsements, as well as her own formidable campaign organization, should give her a pretty big edge in the get out the vote effort.

Asian vote got split!

Look at the messed up results at Betty Tom Chu, a Republican city council member in MPK, entered the race, and I think she's splitting the Asian vote. The Asian vote is half Republican, and had BTC not entered the race, Judy would have all but locked up the vote.

As it was, chances are, a lot of votes went to the wrong Chu. BTC doesn't have the experience. She was just a spoiler.

No wonder the Asian American situation is politics is so dismal. I mean, Asians are more underrepresented than Latinos, and Latinos are doing worse than African Americans.

Yep, for a while, Betty

Yep, for a while, Betty (Uncle) Tom Chu was in second. Now she's in fourth, but still in first among the R's. She may make the runoff against Judy.

Among the Democrats, Judy is holding on to a 3,000+ vote lead over Gil (Race baiter) Cedillo. No idea which precincts have been counted, though, so it may be too early to tell if Uncle Tom Chu's votes affected the outcome.

Lead is now under 3,000

Lead is now under 3,000 votes, but nearly 2/3 of the precincts have reported. Still looks good for Judy.

Uncle Tom is still leading among the R's.