Rosemead Parks and Recreation Department


I don't normally take the time to write about an issue, but my concerns have compelled me express my opinion.

Last year, we finally got rid of the old Parks and Recreation Director.  Since that time the Rosemead Parks and Recreation Department seems to have been operating very well.  They put on one of the best July 4th events in many years, a concert in the park (on the hottest day of the year), a great Oktoberfest, and have planned a City Yard.    Recently, a new Parks and Recreation Director was brought in.  Since his arrival, I have observed the following.  1) The Recreation Staff morale appears very low.  I regularly attend city events and use some of the city facilities.  During these events, I have overheard discussions on how the staff hours have been cut, and that there is just not enough staff, and just to much work to keep up with.  I have attended two events where the new Parks and Recreation Director has been present.  At the first event, he had a meltdown over a cracked cookie plate.  At the Freedom Boat Event, it was obvious that he had no interest in this event.  2) Like the past Director, he does not seem to care about what the public wants.  Last year it was agreed to have a Summer Concert Series at Rosemead Park.  The last I heard was that we may have 4 concerts (What happened to the  8 concerts, Mayor Tran promised last summer).  Why bother having 4 concerts, when the surrounding cities have at least 8.  Then I received a letter this week asking for donations to sponsor the concerts.  Has Rosemead become so poor in the last few months that we can't afford enough recreation staff or 8 concerts in the park without having to try and get handouts from the community.   I think the "new" City Manager should spend a little less time traveling, and get involved in the Parks and Recreation Department to make sure he brought in the right person to be the director, before we get stuck with another Parks Director who doesn't care about what the community wants or the morale of his own staff.