San Gabriel Valley Tribune, 23 December 2005

Two stories of interest to us in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune today.

First, the Garvey School District has voted to sue Rosemead over the lack of attention in the EIR to the effects of pollution and traffic if the Supercenter were to be built across the street from Eldridge Rice Elementary School. The story quotes Garvey School Board President Henry Lo: "What we are doing tonight is exercising our option to mitigate any potential harm to our kids, teachers and parents." Thanks to Garvey School Board members Henry Lo, Bob Bruesch, and Felipe Agredano for their support.

Cory Briggs, the same attorney who has been handling SOC's litigation concerning Wal-Mart, has agreed to work on a contingency basis for Garvey School District. This means he won't charge them anything for his work unless he wins.

The full story (“Wal-Mart Location Spurs District Suit