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Yard Sale a sign of economic distress?

Rosemead's third annual yard sale got some coverage in the

No dice?

The SGV Tribune is reporting an upcoming "probable cause" checkpoint in West Covina. Cars with visible violations, including windows that are tinted too dark or dice hanging from the rear view mirror will be stopped, and checked for other violations. So, remember: If you're heading into West Covina, leave your dice at home!

Azusa Rock Saga Continues

Story in the L.A. Times.

Interesting comment about a Duarte resident with silicosis. That's normally something a coal miner would get.

But was he gay before the DUI arrest?

Headline says, "Calif state senator says he's gay after DUI arrest," which begs the question of his sexual orientation before his arrest.

Free Food

Saturday, Feb. 20, 10am - 3pm: Free pretzel from Auntie Annie's. There's one in "The Shops at Montebello." I guess that's the "regional, upscale" rebranding of the place formerly known as The Montebello Town Center.

Tuesday, Feb. 23, all day--Buy a large soft drink, get one of their new grilled sandwiches from Jack in the Box.

Move from "Mostly Dead" to "Dead"

Foothill Cities Blog Header

It's been a while since I visited the Foothill Cities Blog. So it took me about a week to discover that it is now "officially" dead.