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Governor Schwarzenegger's been very bad for California. The state is worse off now than when he took over, and a lot of that is due to stupid decisions made in his very first days in office.

Blame the rulebreaker, not the enforcer

I really hate it when people act like rules only apply to other people, so of course I'm taking the side of Monrovia over South Pasadena in the pole vault-gate controversy.

If South Pas wants to get mad at someone, get mad at your rule-breaking student, or your own coach, who failed to look out for the welfare of his own athletes.

Earth Day

Apollo 8 Earthrise, Dec 25, 1968

Fields of Gold

The California Poppies have reached peak bloom in the Antelope Valley. This is California's answer to Autumn leaf peeping in the Northeast.

Steve Poizner Doesn't Want to be Governor

When you look at Steve Poizner's attack ad on Meg Whitman's immigration policy, that's the only conclusion you can draw:

Rosemead is no longer "Where City Pride is Justified"

New mixed use development in Monrovia keeps raising the bar for their Old Town. More upscale residents and more upscale retail means lots of additional tax revenue for that city.

I can't believe we didn't already do it this way!

Guidelines from the Obama administration will now profile passengers based on personal characteristics rather than nationality. Call me a fool, but I do not understand why this was not always the case!

"Tipping Point" versus "Tipping Over"

I am sure that somewhere in Washington yesterday, a staffer cringed when the boss mangled a question he/she wrote for him.

This is what happens when people watch too much Gilligan's Island. Or Lost.