Judy Chu Running in the West

With redistricting shifting district boundaries, Judy Chu has announced she will run for the new West San Gabriel Valley district that will include Rosemead, San Gabriel, Temple City, San Marino, Monterey Park, Arcadia, Sierra Madre, and parts of South Pasadena and Pasadena. It's the most Asian-leaning of the area congressional districts, and would include her home in Monterey Park.

Someone in Rosemead may be rich

The SGV Tribune reports that someone bought a $300,000+ winning lottery ticket at Vito's Liquor, 2125 N. San Gabriel Blvd. I'm pretty sure this is in unincorporated South San Gabriel, but their mailing address is Rosemead. Don't know where the ticket buyer actually lives.

New DMV Office in El Monte

The SGV Tribune reports that a new DMV office is open in El Monte. Short lines for now, since no one knows they're there.

Cleaning Up Temple City

I think the pictures that accompany this story on-line are as amusing as the story.

Fatal Stabbing in San Gabriel

No details reported, other than the stabbing of two women, one fatally, in unincorporated San Gabriel (just north of Rosemead) early this morning.

We're Number One!

Or, at least, our city council is Number One -- When it comes to compensation. Take a look at this table, from the LA Times. Over $44,000 a year for a part-time job!

National Night Out in Rosemead

Free food and a chance to chat with local law enforcement officers at the National Night Out event in Rosemead, Zapopan Park, 6-9pm. The park is near Garvey, just east of Beaches.

New Redistricting Commission Lines

The new proposal for congressional district lines coming from the redistricting commission no longer has an Asian influence district in the San Gabriel Valley. The Asian areas near Rosemead (Alhambra, Monterey Park, etc) are no longer merged with places like Hacienda Heights and Rowland Heights.