Candidates File for March City Council election

Monday was the deadline for candidates to file for the March 2007 city council elections.  Both Gary Taylor and Jay Imperial filed for reelection.  Polly Low and Victor Ruiz also filed, as has a fifth candidate.

BTW, Taylor was quoted as saying that he was running for reelection because "There's still unfinished issues that we have to complete as far as the Wal-Mart issue."

City Council Violated Brown Act

As reported in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune today, the county DA's office has advised the Rosemead City Council that its actions of last September (when it granted Wal-Mart its certificate of occupancy) was illegal.

No real surprise there--it was obvious to all who attended that the action was illegal.  It's just nice to have the county's top law enforcement officer confirm this fact.

New Parks for Rosemead Residents?

As noted elsewhere on this site, Proposition 84, passed last November, provides several billion dollars for new parks in our state.  Rosemead needs to work to get it's share of those new dollars.  So if anyone has any ideas for new parks in or adjacent to our city, please feel free to post here or e-mail ideas to me.  Use the address

Old Town Monrovia

Last night was another Sidewalk Astronomy Night in Old Town Monrovia:

I've posted about this in the past.  The difference this time is I got to "sidewalk astronomy" with John Dobson.  He's pretty much the father of both the Dobsonian mount and of sidewalk astronomy in general, so it was fun to be able to share a sidewalk with him:

What I did last night

On Thursday, round about noon, I was invited to participate in a "mini-town hall" that was to be held on Friday evening to discuss Rosemead's Wal-Mart.  Most of the attendees were to be students from Rosemead High School, plus a smaller number from San Gabriel and other area high schools.  The other folks on the panel included Mike Lewis (needs no introduction), Zack Coauser (I may have that mispelled, a visiting professor from Claremont and author of a very Wal-Mart friendly manuscript on how Wal-Mart fits into the big picture of retail in US--I haven't read it yet, but I plan to), and Joe Vasquez (an English teacher at Rosemead High school, and son of the former councilman).  Matt Wells, from the Los Angeles Times's editorial pages, moderated.

Wal-Mart's Prescription Drug Scam

One of many recent newspaper articles that expose yet another example of Wal-Mart's "generousity" as mere PR:,1249,650207796,00.html

Lord Waldemart

Harry Potter fans with fast internet connections might be amused by this one:

Where is the City of Rosemead Website?

I was going to put up a link to the City's website, but I can't find it.  The link on WikiPedia says it's but that just brings up a search page.  Please send the url to johnk a+ riceball d-t com.