Rosemead Blvd

Tribune story on the possible relinquishment of Rosemead Blvd to the city of Rosemead, accompanied by a pretty terrible photo of our mayor.

I like this idea. Rather than simply crying about traffic but doing nothing about it for year after year, we’ve finally got some people who want to fix the problem. Will it cost money? Of course. Asphalt isn’t free. But it’s necessary if we want to transform "downtown Rosemead" into some place folks will actually want to, and be able to, visit.

Rosemead Blvd

Temple City seems to be altering the road to work with their development goals. Perhaps Rosemead could evaluate if the street could be altered to make the mall more accessible from Rosemead Bl.

Rosemead Blvd

Reminds me of this post:

[The link in that other story long-dead, of course]

Which reminds me that, for those who don't watch tv, it's not just the Levitz's in Rosemead that's closing.  The whole chain is liquidating.  Still doesn't necessarily mean their prices can compare with the Chinese furniture places on Valley.  But at least at Levitz's, you'll know you're paying your sales tax, as the law requiers.