Zebra24601's blog

"Which one of us is a bastard?"

According to Jennifer McClain, that was what Gary Taylor shouted at Jim Flournoy last night. Yeah, we sure have a city council we can be proud of.

Restaurants, Recently Arrived or Coming Soon

In San Gabriel:  I don't know if it was a grand opening, there must have been free food or free drinks or something else going on, but there were about fifty people lined up outside of a Tapioca Express, at the corner of Las Tunas and Mission.

I Want to Believe!

In the classic Fox show, The X-Files, FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder had a flying saucer poster hanging over his desk, with the words, "I Want to Believe" written across the bottom.

I think the same way about the Obama campaign. I wonder if he’s the "Real Deal," or if there’s even such a thing.

"Are you not entertained?"

A blog post from Jennifer McLain, recapping the city council meeting last night. She says Nunez "unleashed," followed by the tantalizing "More of that to come in Thursday’s paper."  Yep.  Never a boring moment.

She also had this blog post, about the "protest" out in front of city hall before the meeting.  If you click on the bottom picture, you can get a larger view of one of the protesters. Tell me if her expression doesn’t remind you a lot of the woman in the middle of this picture, from back when they integrated Little Rock Central High School in 1957.  I think this proves it’s true what they say about what hate can do to you.

"He ran into my knive. . . Over, and over, and over!"

That's a paraphrase from the musical, "Chicago."  I thought it was kind of funny and appropriate because I read a letter signed by Martha Wagner in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune this morning.  She was doing her usual Tran-bashing.

I have nothing against the Tribune publishing her letter.  But why do they keep publishing the same letter, over and over and over?

How can you tell if a politician is lying?

Their lips are moving.

Here's a story about Three Valleys Municipal Water District Representative Xavier Alvarez, lying about being a Medal of Honor awardee.

I don’t condone lying, but does the punishment fit the crime? One year and $100,000 fine each time you falsely say you’re a Medal of Honor awardee?


Just can't get over how pretty our little corner of the world looks like today.  Here's a nice picture from today's Pasadena Star-News that shows what I mean:  http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/ci_7904154

Folks back East must be thrown by the idea of "fall" color in January, though!

Rosemead Blvd

Tribune story on the possible relinquishment of Rosemead Blvd to the city of Rosemead, accompanied by a pretty terrible photo of our mayor.

I like this idea. Rather than simply crying about traffic but doing nothing about it for year after year, we’ve finally got some people who want to fix the problem. Will it cost money? Of course. Asphalt isn’t free. But it’s necessary if we want to transform "downtown Rosemead" into some place folks will actually want to, and be able to, visit.