Is Administration next in the dismantling of Garvey?

At the last Board Meeting on May 10th, quietly behind closed doors, the School Board decided to fire two Assistant Superintendents. There are only 4. Of course they won't announce which two of the four are gone. They haven't even told the people who were fired.

I guess it is not just the teachers that cause a threat to Dr. Johnson's power. Half her cabinet is headed out the door on June 30th.

Worst Case Scenerio for Schools by Dan Walters

THOUSANDS of California teachers were given layoff notices a few weeks ago because state law requires
the slips to be sent out each spring if administrators and trustees believe cuts are needed to balance their
Later this month, the districts must decide whether to continue or rescind those layoffs on the assumption
that by then they'll know the state of their 2012-13 finances.

request to "Garvey Parent"

Sorry to see "Garvey Parents" go


I am sorry to see "Garvey Parents" leaving this blog.

Garvey's Future


What do we REALLY want to be happening inside Garvey District’s schoolrooms? Do we want quiet, studious classrooms where every child in every classroom at the same grade level is on the same page, studying the same skill at the same time by doing the same skill sheets and workbook pages?

Vietnamese Freedom Flag

Nice explanatory article about the Vietnamese Freedom Flag, which has flown over Rosemead around April 30 each of the past three years.
