For the first time in over 20 years, Rosemead is updating its general plan. In theory, the general plan presents the "big picture" for what the city is supposed to look like, what sorts of developments we want, what we don't want, and where we want them. So, for example, it required a spot-change of the city's old general plan to allow the Wal-Mart Supercenter to be placed where it was.
Well, that's in the past. Now, where do we go? There's a survey on the city's website:
Fellow Rosemead residents, this is your chance to tell your city what you like about the city, what yo don't like, and what changes you'd like to see. I'm not sure how useful the survey actually is, but it's one way in which you can participate in shaping our city's future. I would also hope that the city will be keeping a list of folks who respond to the survey and attempt to involve them in the other aspects of the general plan amendment process.
Despite instructions, you can't e-mail it!
Well, despite the instructions on the city's website, you can NOT e-mail the survey. The .pdf version they use can not be saved with your entries, either. So you HAVE to print it out and either mail the survey or hand-deliver it to Rosemead's city hall.
Also, one of the questions asks you to "rank" various alternatives. But the software only lets you put check marks on the form.
That was my experience, anyway, with Adobe Acrobat 7. Would things be different with Adobe Acrobat 8.0? Don't know.
Try 7.0.8
I believe 7.0.8 has a feature that allows you to fill in forms and submit them.