Reminder: This Sunday, the Change Wal-Mart/Change America Bus Comes to Rosemead

The Change Wal-Mart/Change America bus tour pulls into Rosemead on Sunday, August 27, at 7pm.  The event is at Eldridge Rice Elementary School, on Rush St, between San Gabriel and Walnut Grove Avenues.

Join us for an evening of solidarity building and spirit-raising fun.  For more info, visit

A heck of a night!

Thanks to the folks from Wake Up Wal-Mart for coming to Rosemead.  Of course, to some extent, they're preaching to the choir.  We know first hand how despicable those guys from Arkansas can be.  And even though the Los Angeles-based media continues to ignore our plight here in Rosemead, at least we got a story in the SGV Tribune.  I'm told there were some pictures on the on-line version, too.

The print version had a pretty bored-looking picture.  You'd think they'd have taken one when we were all on our feet, with Mike Eng leading the revival.

Hopefully, he'll have his voice back by Wednesday night. . . .

Thanks also to Mike Eng, Judy Chu, Gloria Romero, and Hilda Solis for taking the time to join us for one more event.  They know how important it is that Rosemead voters get some new representation at city hall.