Rosemead Enters the 20th Century!

No, that's not a misprint.  Our city has finally entered the 1990s:  They have a website:

Rosemead was the last city in the San Gabriel Valley (and possibly the last in Los Angeles County) to go "on-line."

I only spent a few minutes poking around the site today.  It does look okay.  There's a clickable calendar that you use to keep apprised of various city events.  There are also supposed to be agendas for various city council and commission meetings [The agenda for next Tuesday's meeting has not yet been posted (as of 7:30pm Thursday).  I presume it'll be up by Monday].  And the FAQ appears to have been given some thought.  Basically, a lot of the information that's on the free calendar they send out every year is replicated on the site.  It could come in handy.