Save Our Community was founded in the movement to resist Wal-Mart's development in Rosemead, California. Now, it has become a general site for news, information, gossip, talk, and blogging about Rosemead. We also have stories about South San Gabriel, San Gabriel, Montebello, and occasionally about Pico Rivera, El Monte, South El Monte, Alhambra, Temple City, and other nearby communities. Your host is Todd. If you want a blog just sign up, get approved, and start writing. Good posts will be moved onto the home page.
The Truth Could Set Us Free
Not sure why the internet yelling? (All caps and multiple exclamation points? I thought this was civil discourse) Also, I find it interesting that this quote was not mentioned from the blog at: ""
"If Board Member Chin just addressed the issues, Mr. Saulino would be silenced with the truth, unless of course he is right and Board member Chin is using her position for personal gain."
"Garvey Parents" asks why is Mr. Saulino targeting Board Members? Because one Board member seems to be cheating the District out of thousands of dollars each year.
This same Board member's foundation lost a master key to Temple School. This cost thousands of dollars for re-keying, and it took protests from people like Mr. Saulino to get her to pay for it. She was fine with the District picking up the cost until the coverup by the District was uncovered. The teachers were not even told their personal belongings were in danger by the loss of the key. Her foundation should never have gotten a master key. Master keys are only for District employed administrators and custodians. It is events like this that give the appearance of impropriety. The explanations always come after the fact. Hiding your actions when working as an elected official never looks good. It appears that she is continually getting favored treatment from the District due to her position.
Mr. Saulino has been talking about the same issue since last year. We hear it at every meeting. Board Member Chin could have easily put this issue to rest, but she never addresses it.
The point about John Tran is that the public is leery of public officials who evade tough questions. I don't think Janet Chin is anything like John Tran, but unfortunately he has set the table.
In the same manner that the scandals in LA Unified caused our local paper, the Tribune to ask for records of misconduct from all school Districts in the San Gabriel Valley, John Tran has brought attention to political misdeeds. The Tribune did not assume that all schools had scandals like those in LA Unified, but they asked, because the bar had been set. John Tran set the bar here in the Garvey School District, like it or not.
John Tran had many people fooled. Why does Mr. Saulino's support of John Tran in the past matter? He also supported Janet Chin as stated in your previous posts. Does this somehow implicate her? I don't follow the logic.
Maybe John Tran's actions help explain why Mr. Saulino is so adamant about seeking an explanation. Maybe he doesn't want to burned again by someone he once supported.
Garvey Parents
I hope that this conversation about Garvey District is allowed to continue. As a board member, I appreciate input from parents and I would like a chance to set the record straight when misinformation is given to parents. For 28 years I have been open to comments - and, yes, criticisms - from constituents. That's why I have my phone number listed in the phone book and I ALWAYS sign my comments on the internet. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss with all Garvey parents who posted on this site their issues. You can call me at home, e mail me - contact me in any way you want, and I'll be glad to discuss the issues with you. You don't even have to tell me your name, if you choose to do so. I only ask that our exchange is civil and no finger pointing or casting blame on unnamed sources. I hope to hear from you soon.
Bob Bruesch, Garvey Board Member
Please keep posts up.
You all have the ability to alter your posts, but it would be better for everyone to keep the posts up.