The Truth About Garvey

The "Little District that Could," the "Garvey Family," the Garvey Elementary School District has become dysfunctional with no collaboration between the various groups. Since the Garvey School District hired Dr. Sandra Johnson as the Superintendent in the summer of 2010, the District has sunk into a deep malaise. Top down management, excessive layoffs despite over 14% ending balance during a recession.

A Blog has been set up to discuss this issue. Please visit

Find out more by attending the School board Meeting this Thursday the 19th at 6:30 PM. Over 200 people attended the last meeting and several hundred people are expected to attend the meeting on Thursday. The meeting will be held at Bitely School.

I hope it is not too late to save our Distict.

Related story linked below

Interesting to see if this goes anywhere. Pissing off the teachers only hurts a superintendent's job security if s/he is also pissing off a majority of the Board of Trustees.