Save Our Community was founded in the movement to resist Wal-Mart's development in Rosemead, California. Now, it has become a general site for news, information, gossip, talk, and blogging about Rosemead. We also have stories about South San Gabriel, San Gabriel, Montebello, and occasionally about Pico Rivera, El Monte, South El Monte, Alhambra, Temple City, and other nearby communities. Your host is Todd. If you want a blog just sign up, get approved, and start writing. Good posts will be moved onto the home page.
It is, frankly, disgusting
It is, frankly, disgusting that Republicans claim to be concerned about the deficit and the debt (so they won't vote to extend unemployment benefits unless they're "paid for") but are all for extending tax cuts to millionaires without figuring out how to pay for them.
I wish we'd let the tax cuts lapse, then focus on dealing more directly with unemployment. I don't really see the Republicans putting up a fight to cut off unemployment benefits.
Right now the savings rate is so high that you automatically lose 10% of the "stimulus" you'd get from extending the tax cut.
And that's just on average. The tax cut favors the rich so much that the loss is likely to be greater.
Also, I don't understand why they cut the Social Security tax. That thing should be left alone! When that cut is restored, people will feel the money being removed from their paychecks.
Obama doesn't understand people. If we're not suffering, we're seeing a lot of other people suffering. They're going jobless, or even homeless.
And now, to give extra money to the rich. This is money they were expecting to pay in taxes, because the tax cuts were going to expire. To give them money, is just wrong.
The New York Times noted that the poor making less than 20k were going to see their net tax bill go up. What the hell is that about?
Obama needs to take his scolding voice and point it at some rich people, or Republicans.
No, Obama folded like a cheap
No, Obama folded like a cheap chair. Full tax cuts that will cost us $700 billion we don't have.
Only nice thing about the deal is the 2 percentage point cut in the FICA tax. That will benefit almost all working people.