Signs all over San Gabriel are announcing that St. Anthony's (Church, corner of San Gabriel and Marshall, just north of the San Bernardino Freeway) is having their annual Fall Festival the second weekend in October. It's a major fundraiser for the local parish, and will feature rides, food booths, entertainment, etc.
Unfortunately for them, the City of Rosemead has plopped their "Fall Fiesta" on to the previous weekend, and will also feature rides, food booths, entertainment, etc.
By moving into the slot immediately before St. Anthony's long-running Fall Festival, Rosemead is basically picking the pocket of St. Anthony's. That's either mean and vindictive or stupid and ill-timed.
Instead, Rosemead should have kept its Oktoberfest exactly where it was. This "Fall Fiesta" is just ridiculous. What makes it a "Fiesta"? We had mariachis at Oktoberfest and even at the Lunar New Year celebration of earlier this year. It would be better and more inclusive if this city kept its Halloween-centered, multicultural celebration, rather than trying to replace it with a mono-cultural, Latino-centric focus on. . . Fall? As though Fall only happens in Latino cultures? That's political correctness run amok.
Gary Taylor went to St.
Gary Taylor went to St. Anthony's. You'd think he'd try to help them, instead of stabbing them in the back.
Maybe this is a Protestant
Maybe this is a Protestant plot.
Maybe it's payback for St.
Maybe it's payback for St. Anthony's opposition to Wal-Mart.
Not much of a turnout. Far
Not much of a turnout. Far smaller than Oktoberfest.