Teenage Glutster ranks Taco Nazo #5.
Well, not just the Glutster but also a few cohorts who decided to clamp down on this out-of-control Yelpery that's turned every damned blogger into a food critic.
Face it: most people on Yelp have lousy palates. There are exceptions, like West SGV Asians, Artesia Indians, and select folks on the westside. But by and large, the ratings are too high.
So, it was nice to see some critical people reviewing the proliferation of Ensenada style fish tacos.
Too bad they panned Taco Nazo. People say it's good. I had a little bit - it was good. Not as good as Tacos Baja Ensenada on Whittier... but better than any of the Senor Fishes.
But don't go by my estimation. I don't really eat meat anymore :(
I thought this said, "Taco
I thought this said, "Taco Nazi," which had me scratching my head.
I'm not too picky about my fish tacos. I think the one at Macho Cafe (Mission, east of San Gabriel) tastes fine.
Yeah, these reviewers are
Yeah, these reviewers are Taco Nazis.
It's the Eastside Food Axis. They know they're the "master race" when it comes to eating in the "fatherland" of Mexican food in L.A.
Maybe they don't know about Macho Cafe (or Fogata Mexicana for that matter).