Zebra24601's blog

FYI: Shots fired, carjacking in Rosemead

Pasadena Star-News story here.

The 3300 block of Evelyn is south of Hellman and west of Del Mar. Delta is east of San Gabriel. I’m sure the event times are only approximate.  Otherwise, you’d have to be pretty fast (as in Roger Bannister-fast) to run the distance between the two events (about a mile and a half) in seven minutes, and still have time to pull a carjacking.

SOC Holiday Gathering

Guess we also ought to note that we SOC folks are planning a reunion/holiday gathering.  Many of us may not have seen each other in nearly a year.  Others have kept in touch throughout the past few years.  Either type is welcome at our holiday gathering, which will be Friday, December 7 at 7pm at the Amberwood clubhouse.  Since it's a reunion, in theory, everyone who's invited ought to know how to get there.  Otherwise, ask someone that does. :D

Montebello newsletter

News from Montebello, brought to you by. . . . Montebello.

Still having some odd problems

Looks like Internet Explorer users are having problems viewing this site, still.  A partial fix was to delete the Temporary Internet files and cookies on my hard drive.  That lets me view the older posts.  But everything since the Oktoberfest post comes up invisible when I click on it.

Not sure why that is.  Now I'm trying to remove the "sticky" of the Oktoberfest post, to see if that's the problem.

Deleted Rat Picture

Well, after I posted the "rat in a Wal-Mart can" post, things started going wacky for some of us Windows losers (er, users). :D

I deleted them.  Hopefully, this will clear up the site for everyone.

[Same as with the Oktoberfest post, with Explorer, when I click on the link for this post, it disappears.  Not sure why.]

Saturday, October 27 -- OKTOBERFEST in Rosemead

Internet Explorer users:  If you click on the link for this post and can't view anything, try adding a "/" to the end of the address in the window.  Not sure why, but sometimes that gets you to the page you're trying to get to.

This is another one of those "I'm not sure why it's doing this" sort of things.  Sorry!

This Saturday, October 27, it’s OKTOBERFEST!!!

Misleading Headline in SGVN Papers

The headline says, "Report: Workers in Hostile Setting." But then you read the article, and it turns out that it is actually a councilmember (Taylor) alleging that employees that he will not name made allegations that he will not specify against unnamed councilmembers or other employees.

So I guess a more accurate headline would be, "Lawbreaking Councilmember Makes Baseless Allegations."

Sheriff Deputies Respond in Force to Renegade Cigarette Lighter

Lots of "art" to go along with Frank Girardot’s blog entries on the exploding lighter incident in Zappopan Park. [These stories are at the top, now, but they’ll probably be moving down as new material is posted there].  [Edit–The exploding pen blog entry is "permalinked" here, and continue (with art) to the next two or three entries]