night reader's blog

Los Angeles Street-Selling Scam

This has nothing to do with Rosemead, but it's this scheme that's been going down in Los Angeles. Villaraigosa and the City are planning to sell street parking rights to a private company.

At least that's what Walter Moore is claiming on the interesting BudgetLA site.

Read the Supremes (the corporate election spending decision)


You can read the supreme court decision allowing corporations more free-reign to spend money on politics at the opinions page on the SC website. The case is United States v. Federal Election Commission.

Massachusetts = Idiocracy

Rose Donuts by waltarrrr

CC licensed:

beautiful afternoon after the rain by Lady M

More creative commons licensed photos from flikr:

Bahooka drink photo by optionthis

found on flikr:

New Alhambra Blog (sort of)

Alhambra Source is a new website about Alhmabra. It's a project of the Annenberg School at USC, and has youth doing some local journalism.

SGV News at Risk

Whether you like the SGVN papers or not, it's always sad to see the continued decline of newspapers, and Dean Singleton, owner of the SGVN, is facing bankruptcy.

Ron Kaye at the LA Progressive writes about this.

The demand for news hasn't declined, but ad revenues have. The problem we're facing is paying the writers and researchers to produce the news. Contrary to what "crowdsourcers" say, it takes a lot of work to be a professional journalist. This has to be figured out.