Los Angeles Revisited

Just came across this website, which has a piece about the trailer park on Garvey.

Los Angeles Revistied

Polly's State of the City Address

Just to let you all know, coming up this Thursday at the DoubleTree Hotel (888 Montebello Blvd, in Rosemead next to the Montebello Town Center) is new Mayor Polly Low's State of the City address. This Rosemead Chamber of Commerce-sponsored event starts at 5:00, and Polly will be speaking from about 5:30. Polly's address will be free...

$60,000 a year? Are you freaking kidding me?

The five members of the Rosemead City Council cost city taxpayers over $320,000 last year. Nearly all of that is in salary, retirement (!) and benefits. That's nuts. Over $60,000 EACH! Take a look at the city budget. It's posted on the city website (the one Maggie Clark voted against creating). Pasting the address below should work.


Crime Spikes in Rosemead

The happy talk from the incumbents to the contrary, we're in the midst of a disturbing spike in Part 1 (serious) crimes in Rosemead.

Low Voter Turnout Expected

The West Valley News portends rough seas for candidates... or is it easy sailing. I dunno - do incumbents do better in low turnout elections?

There are three city council seats up for Rosemead: Armenta, Ly, and Clark. Janet Chin is challenging the incumbents.

Video of Candidate Forum. Uh oh. Low turnout there too. Maybe people were watching online.

Drastic Rent Increases in El Monte being Examined

This recent story on ABC about rent increases at Brookside Mobile Park raises the issue of mobile home rental law, which is different from regular rental law, and also different from homeowner law. If you or a relative is living in a mobile home park, it's wise to learn the laws regarding them.

"Balanced Budget"? "No cuts in service"? Liars.

How is it that the incumbents for Rosemead City Council can claim they've balanced the budget with no cuts in service if, 1) The $20 million budget reserve they inherited has been spent down to virtually nothing, and; 2) The Senior Center next to City Hall is still closed?

HOT Lanes on the San Bernardino Freeway

That's "The I-10" for you younger folks. And HOT means "High Occupancy Transit" lanes.