"Give 'Em Hell, Harry"


This one's long and a little bit of an indulgence on my part.  If you liked the open letter, you'll like this essay.  If you didn't like the open letter, you won't like it.  So if you're a Wal-Mart sock puppet, don't blame me if you read this and get all offended.

give em hell harry.doc27.5 KB

Give em hell harry

   Great job Todd!  I have not laughed this hard in a long time, and God knows we needed something to lighten the injustices we have been enduring lately.  I can't wait till our little "DWEEB" friend Steven Lie (oops, I mean Ly) reads your latest post. The truth hurts doesn't it Mr. Lie!  The only regret about Tuesday nights  Jerry Springer show, I mean City Council meeting, was that the SLEAZE BALL Mike Lewis wasn't there to enjoy the the skewing of his "SOCK PUPPETS".           

   Keep up the great work and writing Todd,  it really gives us a lift in our fight for justice. Especially when we face the battles that seem to await us at every step of our battle.

                        Ron Gay