
News and Info

710 Alternatives Open House Alert! Make Your Voice Heard!

In spring 2011, Metro held a series of scoping meetings to collect feedback on a large number of potential options to resolve the issue of the SR-710 gap and regional north-south transportation issues. Thanks if you went to one of those and commented. Those responses were used to reduce and refine the list of potential options from 42 to ten.

Is Administration next in the dismantling of Garvey?

At the last Board Meeting on May 10th, quietly behind closed doors, the School Board decided to fire two Assistant Superintendents. There are only 4. Of course they won't announce which two of the four are gone. They haven't even told the people who were fired.

I guess it is not just the teachers that cause a threat to Dr. Johnson's power. Half her cabinet is headed out the door on June 30th.

The "United Parents of Garvey School District" advocate censorship

The "United Parents of Garvey School District advocate censorship rather than open discussion. Why seek the truth when the opposition can just be silenced?

Rather than rewriting everything, see the vitriolic diatribe of the "United Parents of Garvey School District" on the Save Our Community page ( and the response at

Garvey School District

The parent who was quoted in the article about Garvey School District in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune wants to set the record straight and asked to help post her email to the reporter and the full text of her comments she read at the Garvey School Board meeting.

More about Garvey

On the blog I am responding to “The Truth About Garvey (Parents View)" for those that are interested.

I also wrote a comment to "The Truth About Garvey (Parents View)" initial blog here on the Save Our Community site.

The link is here.

The Truth About Garvey

The "Little District that Could," the "Garvey Family," the Garvey Elementary School District has become dysfunctional with no collaboration between the various groups. Since the Garvey School District hired Dr. Sandra Johnson as the Superintendent in the summer of 2010, the District has sunk into a deep malaise.

Hai Bà Trưng School for Organizing, 2012

The Hai Bà Trưng School for Organizing is a training program for young organizers, ages 18-25. As a participant, you’ll have the opportunity to explore what it means to be a progressive Vietnamese American, learn the basics of organizing theory and skills, and connect to local Vietnamese American organizers doing social justice work.