What is the state of the Rosemead? Pay to find out!

What the. . . ? You need to PAY to attend the state of the city address in Rosemead? And who gets this money? Rosemead? The Chamber of Commerce? Steven Ly? Totally bogus!

Redistricting Commission Coming to San Gabriel

This could be interesting, at least if you're a political junkie. The citizen's commission that will redraw the state's legislative boundaries for the 2012 elections will be in San Gabriel this Friday. The hearing is scheduled for 6-9 pm at the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse, previously known as the San Gabriel Civic Auditorium.

Montebello to get the once over

State Controller John Chiang announced he will be doing a "Bell-style" audit of Montebello's finances. Sort of makes sense, given all the fishiness that has been bubbling out of the city recently.

Why Republicans Seem Racist

Stupid OC Republicans. Not being one myself, I don't even see the humor in their stupid "cartoon." But if I did see the humor, and if I were a responsible politic

McCourt Era for Dodgers Over?

The Los Angeles Dodgers are effectively in receivership, as MLB has taken over control of the team.

Bobby Salcedo Memorial Highway

The Pomona Freeway from the Atlantic Avenue offramp in Monterey Park to the Rosemead City Limit has been named in honor of slain educator Roberto "Bobby" Salcedo.

Deng's Army

Deng's Army

Another Twist on the Excessive Benefits Tale

El Monte lawmakers have been cashing out their benefits. Probably not legal.