Traffic Commission Meeting on February 7th

At the next Traffic Commission meeting, we will be considering two items.

Tony's Liquor at 9442 E. Valley Blvd. has requested 20-minute green striping in front of its store to prevent extended parking by non-customers.

Additionally, at Chairwoman Knapp's request, we will be considering red striping southbound Mission Drive from a 45 foot stretch in front of the Fashion Park Apartments down to the auto repair shop next to it.  The remaining stretch, fronting Mr. Bill's and at the corner, would be repainted, as it is already red-curbed.  The idea behind this is to improve traffic flow by allowing those who want to turn right onto Mission easier access.  The sites in question already have off-street parking available.

We would appreciate any public input on these issues, and if you have any other traffic- and parking-related matters of concern to you, we hope you will come to the meeting and share them with us.

Traffic Commission

At our rather sparsely attended meeting tonight, both of the preceding items were approved.  For the second, we also discussed the possibility of making that stretch a dedicated right-turn-only lane.  The narrowness of the potential lane could be an issue, but City Traffic Engineer Joanne Itagaki indicated that, pending Council approval of our action, she would check with CalTrans about that possibility.

Commissioner Joan Hunter also requested that staff look into the possibility of red-striping the west side of Muscatel Street from the north driveway of the Chamber of Commerce up to Valley Boulevard, owing to visibility issues.  Commissioner Howard Masuda used that idea as a springboard to suggest that the installation of left-turn lanes from Muscatel onto Valley (both sides) be looked into.  Joanne said that would likely require removal of parking on both sides of the street for those stretches, and that staff would prepare a report.
Lastly, a resident of Encinita Street (between Lower Azusa and Mission) expressed concern over the increased traffic, and made a number of suggestions about parking and other issues.  A particular point he raised was the lack of lighting for the crosswalk at the Pitkin intersection, and the heavy use of that crosswalk.  Some of his and Commissioner Ron Gay's comments will be factored into City Staff's ongoing study of traffic conditions on that street.
We adjourned to our next meeting, to be held March 6th.  We hope some of you can make it then.  We do what we can, but we would appreciate you also bringing us your thoughts and concerns about traffic issues in the city.

Traffic Commission Meeting

Thanks for the report.

Traffic Commission Meetings

You're welcome.  My plan is to keep doing these pre- and post-meeting reports, in hopes of increasing awareness, interest and participation.  Guess I'll find out March 6th if it's working.

Striping approved

I am happy to report that during a lull in a rather eventful City Council meeting last night, the Council approved both striping measures proposals recommended by the Traffic Commission.  There's no official timetable, but my hope is that they will be done by sometime in March.  The Rosemead Blvd one is on my way home, and i would likely use that "lane" on City Hall nights, so I for one will be keeping an eye out.